XSB support for predicates with same name but different signature

Issue #440 resolved
Joachim Jansen created an issue

For example, support for the following vocabulary:

vocabulary V {
  type T

Comments (12)

  1. Joachim Jansen reporter

    Removed detection of duplicate generation of facts

    This would never happen but would filter out fact generation because the _loaded list does not take arity into account.

    E.g.: with a type T and predicate T(arg,arg...) both given. The predicate would not be generated

    Even when using name() instead of nameNoArity() this leads to problems

    E.g. when a predicate T(arg) and function T(arg):arg are given. One of the two would not be generated.

    The filter of open symbols that would be already "loaded" is useless to begin with: they are always only generated once. The _loaded list is only useful for detecting which sorts are already generated as ranges (in the getRanges() method).

    This fixes issue #440.

    → <<cset cc7002f3619a>>

  2. Broes De Cat

    I don't understand the explanation. Does it work now? Will it work for a vocabulary with T(T1) T(T2) in it?

  3. Joachim Jansen reporter

    It will not work for the example you give, since their XSB signature (T/1) is the same. I am filing a new bug report for your case.

  4. Broes De Cat

    Why not just solve it by using the full quantified names (namespaces + symbolname + typenames)?

  5. Joachim Jansen reporter

    Removed detection of duplicate generation of facts

    This would never happen but would filter out fact generation because the _loaded list does not take arity into account.

    E.g.: with a type T and predicate T(arg,arg...) both given. The predicate would not be generated

    Even when using name() instead of nameNoArity() this leads to problems

    E.g. when a predicate T(arg) and function T(arg):arg are given. One of the two would not be generated.

    The filter of open symbols that would be already "loaded" is useless to begin with: they are always only generated once. The _loaded list is only useful for detecting which sorts are already generated as ranges (in the getRanges() method).

    This fixes issue #440.

    → <<cset cb22c3114301>>

  6. Joachim Jansen reporter

    Bugfix for predicates with same name + arity but different sorts

    For this a fqn_name() procedure is needed in PFSymbol.

    This fixes bug #440 completely

    → <<cset 3414ccc29192>>

  7. Joachim Jansen reporter

    Bugfix for predicates with same name + arity but different sorts

    For this a fqn_name() procedure is needed in PFSymbol.

    This fixes bug #440 completely

    Also added a test for this

    → <<cset a639ef886df4>>

  8. Joachim Jansen reporter

    Removed detection of duplicate generation of facts

    This would never happen but would filter out fact generation because the _loaded list does not take arity into account.

    E.g.: with a type T and predicate T(arg,arg...) both given. The predicate would not be generated

    Even when using name() instead of nameNoArity() this leads to problems

    E.g. when a predicate T(arg) and function T(arg):arg are given. One of the two would not be generated.

    The filter of open symbols that would be already "loaded" is useless to begin with: they are always only generated once. The _loaded list is only useful for detecting which sorts are already generated as ranges (in the getRanges() method).

    This fixes issue #440.

    → <<cset 483b895767dc>>

  9. Joachim Jansen reporter

    Bugfix for predicates with same name + arity but different sorts

    For this a fqn_name() procedure is needed in PFSymbol.

    This fixes bug #440 completely

    Also added a test for this

    → <<cset c542203c969c>>

  10. Joachim Jansen reporter

    Removed detection of duplicate generation of facts

    This would never happen but would filter out fact generation because the _loaded list does not take arity into account.

    E.g.: with a type T and predicate T(arg,arg...) both given. The predicate would not be generated

    Even when using name() instead of nameNoArity() this leads to problems

    E.g. when a predicate T(arg) and function T(arg):arg are given. One of the two would not be generated.

    The filter of open symbols that would be already "loaded" is useless to begin with: they are always only generated once. The _loaded list is only useful for detecting which sorts are already generated as ranges (in the getRanges() method).

    This fixes issue #440.

    → <<cset 39422e4ad2e6>>

  11. Joachim Jansen reporter

    Bugfix for predicates with same name + arity but different sorts

    For this a fqn_name() procedure is needed in PFSymbol.

    This fixes bug #440 completely

    Also added a test for this

    → <<cset f2ffafb44bcd>>

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