Installing should not change source files (SPASS)

Issue #484 resolved
Bart Bogaerts created an issue

currently, when building the SPASS source files are modified.

In fact, it is autoconf that is responsible for this (see for example commit or pull request #113)

The reason for this change is that a different version of autoconf is used. (2.61 vs 2.68 and they generate a different file. However, files that need to be generated by autoconf should probably not be source files!)

Comments (2)

  1. Bart Bogaerts reporter

    Added SPASS changes

    SPASS installation kept on modifying files on my system. I committed these changes; seems to work on different PCs now In fact the changes are due to a different version of autoconf

    I propose to use 2.68 as this is the newest and installed on the departemental machines However, see issue #484, probably these files should be removed

    → <<cset c5693bb76de7>>

  2. Broes De Cat

    Either the files are ignored, requiring everyone to have all autotools, or we keep them and in the future might have to update them. The second was chosen.

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