XSB does not support constructor functions

Issue #682 resolved
Joachim Jansen created an issue

Attached is a file of which the definition is not calculated because it contains a type constructed from certain elements.

Comments (4)

  1. Joachim Jansen reporter

    Added support for constructor functions

    The problem was in the fact that the interpretation for the constructor functions was not yet added to the "facts" that were sent to XSB. This has been adjusted by adding a case when iterating all sorts and adding all information on them in the facts.

    This fixes issue #682

    → <<cset aaf0694d244d>>

  2. Joachim Jansen reporter

    Added better listing of what functions/predicates are supported in XSB

    These new functions are part of the XSBToIDPTranslator - they decide whether a given string represents an XSB built-in or an XSB predicate that is supported in the xsb_compiler.P

    This fixes issue #682

    → <<cset 5236f0e2ba33>>

  3. Broes De Cat

    Added better listing of what functions/predicates are supported in XSB

    These new functions are part of the XSBToIDPTranslator - they decide whether a given string represents an XSB built-in or an XSB predicate that is supported in the xsb_compiler.P

    This fixes issue #682

    → <<cset 1e3799d7f769>>

  4. Joachim Jansen reporter

    Added better listing of what functions/predicates are supported in XSB

    These new functions are part of the XSBToIDPTranslator - they decide whether a given string represents an XSB built-in or an XSB predicate that is supported in the xsb_compiler.P

    This fixes issue #682

    → <<cset 404d6a966a23>>

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