Type derivation does not behave as specified

Issue #683 resolved
Broes De Cat created an issue

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Comments (7)

  1. Bart Bogaerts

    Bugfix in sort derivation.

    See #683 Problem was that bottom-up propagation was forgotten.

    Not yet finished: Should also happen for functerms, and I don't really know this code hence I am uncertain of correctness...

    → <<cset 3eb8009f7efa>>

  2. Bart Bogaerts

    Bugfix in deriveSorts:

    Two problems are fixed here: first, during the loop, derivefuncs and derivepreds should be ran AFTER the accept As these two determine when to stop (i.e. _changed)

    Now it was possible that the system stopped one iteration too early.

    Second: _underivablevariables should be cleared every run. They are set during the top down phase and can never be removed from this set.

    This fixes #683 for predicate symbols

    For function symbols, there is a related issue, to be fixed soon

    → <<cset ab58ecbda15c>>

  3. Broes De Cat reporter

    Bugfix in deriveSorts:

    Two problems are fixed here: first, during the loop, derivefuncs and derivepreds should be ran AFTER the accept As these two determine when to stop (i.e. _changed)

    Now it was possible that the system stopped one iteration too early.

    Second: _underivablevariables should be cleared every run. They are set during the top down phase and can never be removed from this set.

    This fixes #683 for predicate symbols

    For function symbols, there is a related issue, to be fixed soon

    → <<cset ea42f9e88b2a>>

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