Printing sums

Issue #765 resolved
Bart Bogaerts created an issue

Currently, if you write:

    P( sum{x : Q(x):x}).

It is parsed well, and printed as:

  P(sum(sum{ x[T] : Q(x) : x })).

(ugly double sum).

If you parse the latter, it is printed as:

  P(sum(sum{ : true : sum(sum{ x[T] : Q(x) : x }) })).

If you parse the latter, it is printed as:

  P(sum(sum{ : true : sum(sum{ : true : sum(sum{ : true : sum(sum{ x[T] : Q(x) : x }) }) }) })).

If you parse the latter, it is printed as:

P(sum(sum{ : true : sum(sum{ : true : sum(sum{ : true : sum(sum{ : true : sum(sum{ : true : sum(sum{ : true : sum(sum{ : true : sum(sum{ x[T] : Q(x) : x }) }) }) }) }) }) }) })).

Well... I guess you see the pattern. Printers should be simplified

Comments (10)

  1. Bart Bogaerts reporter

    Disabled two printertests

    Reason: aggregates are printed wrongly. Not only ugly, but simply wrong. Should be fixed and then, tests should be reenabled.

    See #765"

    → <<cset 13a1865f1574>>

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