Debug mode broken: Preconditions in XSB code violated

Issue #806 resolved
Bart Bogaerts created an issue

See http://cal:8010/builders/runtests_debug/builds/406/steps/test/logs/warnings%20%288853%29

(or just run the tests in debug)

Comments (5)

  1. Joachim Jansen

    Heeft te maken met het niet correct afhandelen van de bootstrapping definities. sefines(rule):symbol wordt niet fatsoenlijk gegraphed

  2. Joachim Jansen

    Removed incorrect assert that caused errors in debug mode

    Internally, when graphing a function, the Function object is not changed into a Predicate object. This is expected in the Assert that was removed.

    The resulting situation would be that if had an open that was a function, the assert would be thrown, even if the function had been graphed properly in the definition.

    This fixes issue #806

    → <<cset 43a318026968>>

  3. Joachim Jansen

    Removed incorrect assert that caused errors in debug mode

    Internally, when graphing a function, the Function object is not changed into a Predicate object. This is expected in the Assert that was removed.

    The resulting situation would be that if had an open that was a function, the assert would be thrown, even if the function had been graphed properly in the definition.

    This fixes issue #806

    → <<cset 43a318026968>>

  4. Joachim Jansen

    De bootstrap definities zijn de eerste die worden uitgerekend. Dus daar zal de fout altijd gegooid worden. Waarom de bug nu ineens verschijn zou ik niet weten. Ik heb voor de zekerheid nog een extra test met functies in de body bij in de xsb tests gestoken, die ook gefaald zou zijn met bootstrapping afgezet (toen de assert er nog was).

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