Bug in CP support for partial functions

Issue #813 resolved
Bart Bogaerts created an issue

Attached file produces different result with and without cp support.

Probably because of partial function which is not translated correctly...

Comments (7)

  1. Joachim Jansen

    Enig idee waar de bug vandaan komt? In de grounder of in de solver? Als het in de grounder is wil ik er wel eens naar kijken

  2. Bart Bogaerts reporter

    Ik weet het niet. Ik verdenk eerder de grounder maar dat is ongefundeerd. (basically: dat is omdat dit soort problemen meestal uit de grounder komt; de solver is nogal stabiel)

  3. Bart Bogaerts reporter

    Added better support for partial cp terms

    Fixes two things: - For the finite case (non-range) the if conditions was wrong, causing partial things to be grounded as total and vice versa. - For the infinite case, partial functions were not allowed yet. Fixes #813

    → <<cset 929f33d6ce0a>>

  4. Ingmar Dasseville

    Added better support for partial cp terms

    Fixes two things: - For the finite case (non-range) the if conditions was wrong, causing partial things to be grounded as total and vice versa. - For the infinite case, partial functions were not allowed yet. Fixes #813

    → <<cset 929f33d6ce0a>>

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