Model iterator terribly fails with cp on

Issue #896 resolved
Bart Bogaerts created an issue

Often finds not enough models. It probably does something wrong in model invalidation for function symbols.

To reproduce this behavior, simply run modeliterator tests with option cpsupport = true

(29 fails I believe)

Comments (8)

  1. Bart Bogaerts reporter

    TODO test model iterator also with other configurations, not only with CP, but with, e.g., lazy grounding, cpgroundatoms, ...

  2. Ruben Lapauw

    Not reproducible...

    Did you change to:

    procedure standardoptions(){
  3. Bart Bogaerts reporter

    zet gewoon cpsupport bovenaan in uw test op true... En het gaat mis.

    (mijn branch daarop gaat het niet falen uiteraard want ik heb de tests daarin gefixed om hun oud gedrag te blijven vertonen)

  4. Ruben Lapauw

    Bug not in modelIterator. See branch BugMXIterator/MXOutputVoc. Also fails territbly when a trivial output vocabulary is given!

    Fails with exactly 56 = 2*28 testcases for CP. (It checks every file twice)

    See issue #897

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