Infinitely many false defineds

Issue #95 resolved
Stef De Pooter created an issue

Model expansion on the following example will result in addition of infinitely many false-defineds (and so, run forever). {{{ #!idp vocabulary V { P(nat) } theory T : V { { P(1). } } }}}

We might be able to avoid this is certain cases... The false-defineds (negative literals) only need to be added when they are needed. So we might be able to generate a dependency graph for the defined predicates and find out we do not need the negative literals.

Comments (3)

  1. Stef De Pooter reporter

    Made it possible to stop idp while adding falsedefineds.

    There should be a way to avoid addition of infinitely many falsedefineds. See issue #95.


  2. Broes De Cat

    Invalid for model expansion (need full model). Solved for satisfiability check and bounded model expansion by theorem proving or lazy grounding.

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