add "or false" to a definition breaks it.

Issue #954 resolved
Pierre Carbonnelle created an issue

The following theory admits the solution that jerry shaves himself.

!x y: Shaves(x, y) <- (x=jerry & y=jerry).

If I add " | false " at the end of the definition, jerry does not shave himself anymore !?

Yet, a | false is always the same as a (even in ternary logic).

Comments (15)

  1. Pierre Carbonnelle reporter

    A related, and more significant issue, is that this theory is equivalent to this one (which uses a "or" in the definition, but they yield different results : the first one has no solution (OK), but the second one has one (not OK).

  2. Pierre Carbonnelle reporter

    Indeed. Thanks.

    Before I try to compile idp on a Windows machine (not sure if it is easy), could you tell me if you can solve this theory with it ? The previous version could not find a solution, even after 10 hours of trying...

  3. Bart Bogaerts

    Hi Pierre,

    Some remarks:

    • The bug you had should not be present on Windows version of IDP, only on unix versions (as XSB does not work under windows). So, there's no need to resort to the fix if you run on a windows machine.

    • If you wish to compile IDP on windows, you should ask @ingdas

    • The last theory you sent me does not contain definitions, hence has nothing to do with the current bug

    • The problem with your last theory is that you ask all models and there just are a lot of them. On my machine, if I just ask 10.000 models, I can find (and print) them in 6 seconds. To get some models, see

  4. Bart Bogaerts

    edit: The estimated number of models of your theory is someting like 2^4 * 2^4 * 2^4 * 2^4 = 65536 (interpretations for

     authorizesT(Person, Person)
        blocksT(Person, Person)
        authorizesF(Person, Person)
        blocksF(Person, Person)

    Checked this, and there are 44464 of them.

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