inet_parse: ipv4 parse error (5)

Issue #2 resolved
Denis Cheong created an issue

root@gazoo / # vmadm start slate vm<slate>: -net vnic,vlan=0,name=eth0,ifname=slate_1,macaddr=0:24:81:64:1d:92: vnic dhcp disabled

Could not open option rom 'extboot.bin': No such file or directory inet_parse: ipv4 parse error (5)

This issue is caused by following an error in the documentation that says:

Make vnc listen on a given port: (5900 + display = tcp/ip port)

vnc_display 0

This actually requires: vnc_display ':0'

Using this updated syntax will fix the error. It looks like vmadm was meant to parse the '0' into ':0' when initiating qemu but doesn't.

Comments (2)

  1. Kaspar Schiess repo owner

    Fixes #2: Documentation was wrong

    The vnc_display documentation was wrong, thanks to Denis Cheong for catching this. 'vnc_display' is only a pass-through option for '-vnc' - the same restrictions and the same syntax applies.

    → <<cset 45ee16b5df4c>>

  2. Kaspar Schiess repo owner

    Fixes #2: Documentation was wrong

    The vnc_display documentation was wrong, thanks to Denis Cheong for catching this. 'vnc_display' is only a pass-through option for '-vnc' - the same restrictions and the same syntax applies.

    → <<cset 45ee16b5df4c>>

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