yaml-write raises an error with valid YAML

Issue #243 resolved
Takashi Kato repo owner created an issue

The following should be written in the port but raises an error

(import (rnrs)
        (text yaml))
(define yaml '#(("foo" . #f) ("bar" . #f)))
(yaml-write (list yaml))

This is the error

-Unhandled exception
  Condition components:
  1. &assertion
  2. &who car
  3. &message "pair" required, but got #f
  4. &irritants ()
  5. &stack-trace

stack trace:
  [1] emit
    src: (car value)
  [2] emit
    src: (string-append (->key kref? klabel key (->vlabel v
  [3] recur
  [4] recur
  [5] dynamic-wind
  [6] emit-yaml
  [7] yaml-write
  [8] eval
  [9] main-loop
  [10] dynamic-wind
  [11] script

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