Supports SRFI-159

Issue #251 resolved
Takashi Kato repo owner created an issue

It's a part of R7RS-large.

Related to #249

Comments (5)

  1. Takashi Kato reporter

    NOTE: Chibi provides portable implementation however, it requires a lot of other libraries to be imported. We should provide own compliant implementation.

  2. Duy Nguyen

    I’m adding this for Gauche so I could add a note here (and hope it helps).

    Chibi implementation only depends on srfi-130 (actually (chibi string) which is slightly different). (chibi monad environment) is very simple and can be pulled in. You can use the reference implementation for 130 but it won’t be as effective. To deal with (chibi string) once you haev srfi-130, have a look at

  3. Duy Nguyen

    The chibi port here works with sagittarius 0.9.5:

    > ~/w/srfi/srfi-159 $ sagittarius -r7 -L. test.scm 
    show: ........................................................................
    316 out of 316 (100.0%) tests passed in 0.07684612274169922 seconds.

    The (chibi test) module there is only needed for test.scm, not the srfi itself.

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