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Alignment Meeting Board / c 2. View existing meetings and prepare meeting's agenda

To see all existing meeting navigate to the meeting list Apps -> Meetings This page shows you all meetings you have access to. To open a meeting agenda click on button "Open" against chosen meeting. navigate to meeting list.png

At the beginning an agenda has only one card. 2 add items to the agenda.png

Start filling agenda by adding text blocks and issues. 2 add text blocks to the agenda.png

Search for issues to add them to the agenda 2 add issues to the agenda.png

Continue preparing meeting agenda by adding text notes, estimation time for discussion of each item, assigning different colors to the topics, adding meeting invitees (via editing field "Meeting invitees") 2 preparing agenda.png

Now, when agenda has been planned you can start meeting with your team using agenda with all the topics you have planned to discuss.

Conducting meeting
