
Clone wiki

MiniWiki / Home


  • MiniWiki plugin brings two main features to your JIRA System
  • Plugin Installation and Configuration
  • Creating your MiniWiki documentation
  • Sharing your MiniWiki documentation with other projects
  • Cloning your MiniWiki documentation to another project
  • Searching for attachments using "Search Attachments" panel

MiniWiki plugin brings two main features to your JIRA System

Wiki Board for structuring your documentation within JIRA

MiniWiki Board.png

Search Attachment Panel - find your JIRA attachments and issues they belong to with search panel shown below.

attachments panel.png

Plugin Installation and Configuration

1) After installation of the MiniWiki plugin a new issue type "Folder" and custom field "Parent Entry" will be available for default JIRA scheme.

2) If you want to enable MiniWiki for your project you need to ensure two things:

2.1) the issue type scheme of your project includes "Folder" issue type

2.2) screen (mask) contains "Parent Entry" custom field for folder

3) Now you can start create and manage your MiniWiki documentation area and search for any attachments directly in JIRA.

Creating your MiniWiki documentation

Create a new folder and set parent entry to the project root


Add another folder:


To go to MiniWiki Board you can click on the parent entry link "go to Wikiboard" in issue detail view of the folder, or you can chose the project from the MiniWiki menu on top


Now MiniWiki Board looks like this:


Sharing your MiniWiki documentation with other projects

Purpose: you want to share documentation pages with one or more other existing projects, but centrally maintain these pages.

1) go to project administration page -> MiniWiki of the source project


2) in MiniWiki export settings check "Provision of the general documentation" and click save


In this case general documentation can be viewed in another project (but not edited there). This is great to share some rules, standards, contacts, etc.

3) go to project administration page -> MiniWiki of the target project (see step 1)

4) click edit button in "project documentation template" area


5) select MiniWiki documentation your want to share in the current project


Result looks like this:


Cloning your MiniWiki documentation to another project

Purpose: you want to use an existing documentation as a template for new projects, so that you don't have to build everything from scratch. You can set up your own library of MiniWiki formats for new projects.

Let us clone "MiniWiki Documentation" to a new "Clone MiniWiki documentation"

1) go to project administration page -> MiniWiki of the source project (see previous section step 1)

2) in MiniWiki export settings check "Copy template" and click save


3) go to project administration page -> MiniWiki of the target project

4) click edit button in "project documentation template" area


5) chose your options to include attachments and page content of MiniWiki documentation to clone


6) result looks like this:


Searching for attachments using "Search Attachments" panel

attachments panel 2.png

  • The result list supports JIRA standard functionalities like sorting on the table header, versioning (grey text), pagination.

  • The search can be done over several projects, by user name or user ID, on a text string in the file name, or the search could be limited to a time window, in which the upload has been done.

  • The issue types are the default issue types of Jira.

  • For information what databases / versions are supported please check your plugin version on the Atlassian marketplace (supports different databases Oracle 11g, 12c, MS SQL 2008, 2012, PostgresSQL, MySQL)
