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#MyToDo Board - manage your tasks on your individual notepad directly in JIRA
##Do you also need your individual context where you can manage your own tasks and notes? Plan your week, plan your day! Get your notebook online, fully integrated in Jira, but without others reading your stuff.
#MyToDo Board Overview
##1. After MyToDo Board installation you can access it via profile menu
##2. In order to start your work click on add layout button (1, 2 or 3 columns)
##3. After that you can move issue you want to work on into created layout sections on the left side, add new clusters, your own notes. (see first image).
##4. If you finished some of your tasks you can push done work as a comment directly from the board
##5. You can push new issues to you MyToDo Board directly from issue view