R6002: Floating point not loaded when run patched l2server.exe and l2npc.exe

Issue #13 new
Former user created an issue


I'm patching using CFF Explorer's Import Adder feature. When run patched files it crashes: R6002: Floating point not loaded

But when run patched cached.exe there is no error.

What am I doing wrong?

Comments (5)

  1. giorgi metivishvili

    i had this error too.. can explane how u made it work? i mean to add dll file to exe file :(

  2. giorgi metivishvili

    no i have allready all this files :) it's not about this extender, there was dll which i wanted to add to l2server.exe file, but when i was trying to add with cff explorer there was an same error, it was h5 extender dll , just with packets to access gf server with h5 client. but with no result :D

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