Invalid Despawn

Issue #9 closed
RenIly created an issue

Fix Please Invalid Despawn in NPC.exe,NPC Server Sometimes falls,after error "Enter world to despawned NPC"

Comments (9)

  1. Emca

    This should help (I'll commit it when I have some free time):

    Add this to CNPC.cpp (to end of CNPC::Init method):

    WriteInstructionCallJmpEax(0x4AA4AB, EnterWorldFixDespawnedNPCHelper);

    Add to CNPC.h (to CNPC class):

    static UINT64 EnterWorldFixDespawnedNPCHelper(void, const int type, const wchar_t format, const wchar_t *file, const int line);

    Add to end of CNPC.cpp:

    UINT64 CNPC::EnterWorldFixDespawnedNPCHelper(void, const int type, const wchar_t format, const wchar_t *file, const int line) { CLog::Add(type, format, file, line); return 0x4AA517; }

  2. RenIly reporter

    Do you all the doors opens in Gracia Epulogue?On the quest Seven Signs, Seal of the Emperor in Disciple's Necropolis I can not open the door, with scripts that's all right.

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