
Stuart Morrison Visualising the Riemann Zeta Function

Created by Stuart Morrison

File snippet.r Added

  • Ignore whitespace
  • Hide word diff
+#### Create complex set ####
+    # Imaginary parts
+    y <- seq(0, 100, len = 10001)
+    # Complex vector
+    z <- 0.5 + y * 1i
+#### Evaluation of Zeta function ####
+    # Real part
+    real <- Re(zeta(z))
+    # Imaginary part
+    imaginary <- Im(zeta(z))
+#### Plotting ####
+    zeta_df <- data.frame(real = real,
+                 imag = imaginary,
+                 frame = 1:10001)
+    g <- zeta_df %>% 
+            ggplot(aes(x = real, y = imaginary, frame = frame)) +
+                geom_path(size = 1.2, aes(cumulative = T)) +
+                geom_point(size = 2, aes(x = 0, y = 0)) 
+    gganimate(p = g, filename = "riemann.mp4", interval = 0.001, title_frame = F)

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