Settings Panel Does Not Show

Issue #29 resolved
Jason Lazarus created an issue

Cannot seem to find or access the settings panel. See the screenshot that shows your plugin is active, and when hover over settings, your plugin does not exist. What is going on? I cannot use the plugin unless I can access the settings.

I am running PHP Version 5.4.42 Wordpress version 4.3


Comments (13)

  1. Jason Lazarus reporter

    Hi, thanks for the quick reply -

    When I try to view that URL, I get the message "You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page."

    I am an admin will FULL permissions and no problem viewing any other plugin, or anything else for that matter.

  2. Jason Lazarus reporter

    Ladislav, Any update to correcting this issue? I am eager to use your plug in. If there is anything I can do to help, please let me know.

  3. Cary Lam

    Hi Ladislav,

    I'm encountering the exact same problem. I tried to add this on 2 separate sites but the plug settings are not showing on both of them. I also tried the url above but also got the same insufficient permission error Jason is seeing. Can you please help to look into this?

    Many thanks

  4. Ladislav Soukup repo owner

    I'm currently busy with work-related thinks, but I will try to hotfix this issue or re-work the admin ASAP.

    BTW: Do you guys use WordPress Multi site mode? or not self-hosted WordPress... I found one possible source for this bug. I will try one quick update later today that may fix your issue...

  5. Jason Lazarus reporter

    Our site is hosted on GoDaddy shared server using managed wordpress. Hope that helps

  6. Ladislav Soukup repo owner

    Should be fixed now in version 1.4.15 (just uploaded to WP repo). Let me know if this fix won't help, please.

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