
lalek vince What is Blockchain?

Created by lalek vince

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+Blockchain is a shared database or ledger across network nodes. A blockchain serves as an electronic database for storing data in digital form. The most well-known use of blockchain technology is for preserving a secure and decentralized record of transactions in cryptocurrency systems like Bitcoin.
+The innovation of a blockchain is to foster confidence without the necessity for a reliable third party by ensuring the fidelity and security of a record of data.
+A blockchain collects data in groupings called blocks, which individually include data sets.
+Blocks have specified storage capabilities. When they’re full, they’re sealed and joined to the previous block to form the blockchain data chain.
+Every subsequent piece of information that follows that newly added block is combined into a new block, which is then added to the chain when it is complete.
+A blockchain organizes its data into parts (blocks) and kept together. When decentralized, this data structure produces an irreversible data chronology by design.
+A completed block, is sealed and placed to the timeline. Finally, each block is assigned an accurate timestamp and added to the chain. @ READ MORE

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