Show two or more syncronized clocks

Issue #9 resolved
Lele Gaifax repo owner created an issue

When organizing big events, it would be nice being able to show multiple instances of the clock view, with some kind of syncronization so that they actually show the same count down.

This requires that the application gets notified about start/stop: it could then track the time of the last start, and when showing another instance of the clock, automatically starts it...

Comments (1)

  1. Lele Gaifax reporter

    Keep the timestamp of when the countdown gets started

    When the clock countdown is started, the application gets notified and the timestamp stored in the tourney's data: if another clock is requested after the countdown was started it automatically shows the same countdown.

    This has a two benefits: first, more than one clock may be requested for a given tourney (useful for big events where there may be multiple play rooms) and second, if for any reason the computer is restarted the countdown is reactivated from the same timestamp.

    Fix #9.

    → <<cset dd8f6021d827>>

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