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jqlLTFunctions / JQL Privacy Policy

Data collected by the app

Your JQL & Workflow Tools fetches the strict data from Jira Server (via Java API) to work as described in the app documentation. All the configuration data are stored in the Jira database.

None of the Jira data are shared with any third party organization, nor ourselves and no personal data is collected in any moment.

It's the customer's sole responsibility to provide all the required mechanisms to keep the privacy and security of the data and access control to the app. In case of some security threat be detected, we will immediately scale it to Atlassian and we will follow the protocol and recommendations provided by Atlassian in addition to the actions that we consider opportune.

Data collected for supporting

Customers might want to share information with us in order to get support. It is the customer's responsibility to sanitize all the information (URL, sensitive data in logs, screenshots, etc) before sharing it with us.

No documentation will be shared with any other third party unless explicit written customer's authorization.


The customer renounces to take any legal action against us (legal, indemnification, etc) if the privacy of some of their data is compromised by the app in an accidental and/or not deliberate way (bugs, security threat, outdated documentation, etc).


The customer accepts all the terms described in this policy by installing the app.

March, 6th, 2019
