Lack of Go Migration Examples

Issue #24 resolved
Hector Parra created an issue

It is not immediately clear from README how to create migrations written in Go. Were there examples anywhere that could be included in this README?

Comments (5)

  1. Hector Parra reporter

    Sorry, I didn't explain myself clearly.

    What I meant to say is there no example on how to use sql.Tx to specify desired schema. For example, how would I specify a column of strings and a primary key using this type of migration?

    Are these Go migrations meant to be an abstraction of SQL ones, a la ActiveRecord migration, or is it something else?

  2. Liam Staskawicz repo owner

    Ah, I see. Migrations are not specified at that level by goose - you can use the database/sql APIs directly if you want, or you can use whatever other tools you choose.

    There are a variety of libraries out there that provide higher level SQL interfaces in Go, but I think you'll need to find one that works for you.

  3. Hector Parra reporter

    Ah. The confusion here is the assumption (by me, maybe others too) that a migration written in Go instead of SQL has access to a DSL like other migration tools do, e.g. ActiveRecord (ruby) or Knex (js). My bad.

    Thanks for your responses. Leaving this doc reference here:

  4. Liam Staskawicz repo owner

    Right - there are existing Go libraries that provide at least some of the functionality that appears to be supported by those projects, and as long as they support the database/sql interface, you should be able to plug them into your migrations.

    For example, provides a nice API for generating SQL that you can then execute within a sql.Tx.

    It might be nice to compile a list of the tools people like to use for this task, if it doesn't exist already elsewhere...

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