Change Qt header inclusion style to <QDir/QHeader>

Issue #26 new
Thierry Valentin created an issue

Hello, Currently Qxt source files include Qt header files with #include <QHeader>. This forces to add -I$QTDIR/include/QtCore -I$QTDIR/include/QtGui to the compiler flags.

Changing the Qt header inclusion style to <QDir/QHeader> only requires -I$QTDIR/include to the compiler flags and is easier to use for non Qmake based projects.

There are many sources that recommend this inclusion style, at least in public headers:

If ever you plan to accept this change request, I can provide you with a script that changes the inclusion style automatically.


Comments (6)

  1. Debao Zhang

    Hi, I don't think so. As the header include statement of Qt Creator has been changed from <QDir/QHeader> to <QHeader> last year.

  2. Thierry Valentin reporter


    Well, this contradicts what they say in the Qt Creator Coding Rules (the second link I sent you):

    Including Headers

    • Use the following format to include Qt headers: #include <QtCore/QWhatEver>.
    • ...

    All of the documents I found about Qt header inclusion style recommend the form <QModule/QHeader>. I found some more recently:

  3. Arvid Picciani

    would probably accept an MR to change that, yes.

    I generally disagree that it is needed, because not adding QXT+=core will then just result in a linker error instead of a compiler error, but i dont see the harm either.

  4. Thierry Valentin reporter


    Please find attached a small script that I wrote to change the Qt and Qxt inclusion style in our source code. It's pretty simple:

    % cd /path/to/source/tree
    % --qtdir /path/to/qtdir --qxtdir /path/to/qxtdir

    In this form, the script will scan the files .{c,C,cc,cpp,cxx,h,H,hpp,hxx,y,l} in the source tree recursively and will display all the include style changes to do. To actually do the changes in place*, run the command with option --rewrite:

    % --qtdir /path/to/qtdir --qxtdir /path/to/qxtdir --rewrite

    For more help, run:

    % --help

    The script works seamlessly. There's only a minor problem with Qt header qevent.h. Qt had the bad idea to have 2 qevent.h files:

    • include/QtGui/qevent.h
    • include/Qt/qevent.h

    My script cannot decide the one you need and will replace the inclusion of <qevent.h> by <QtCore/QEvent> by default. Is this is not the one you need, just replace <QtCore/QEvent> by <QtGui/qevent.h> wherever it's needed.

    Hope that will help you.



    so then , when will be resolved, and also more important, this will sove #23 marked as invalid event duplicate?

    sdont forget mention if this will alterate how already made porjects are using qxt headers in cmake modules

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