
Sacha Ligthert Prints the progress of the current year in percentage allong with a small graph.

Created by Sacha Ligthert

File time_waste_tracker.go Added

  • Ignore whitespace
  • Hide word diff
+package main
+import (
+        "fmt"
+        "time"
+func main() {
+        // Start loop
+        for {
+                // Clear the screen using ANSI escape codes
+                fmt.Print("\033[H\033[2J")
+                // Print current time for clarity and context
+                fmt.Print(time.Now(), "\n\n")
+                // Calculate the percentage how many seconds this year has progressed
+                percentage := calcPercentage()
+                // Convert percentage number into a human readable graph
+                printGraphic(percentage)
+                // Calculate required delay so this updates once every second on the second
+                delay := calcDelay()
+                // Delay
+                time.Sleep(delay)
+        }
+func calcPercentage() float64 {
+        // Current Time
+        ct := time.Now()
+        t1 := Date(ct.Year(), 1, 1)
+        // Next year
+        ny := ct.AddDate(1, 0, 0)
+        t2 := Date(ny.Year(), 1, 1)
+        // Get all the seconds in a year
+        seconds := t2.Sub(t1).Seconds()
+        // Calculate the difference in seconds between ct and ny
+        tdiff := ct.Sub(t1).Seconds()
+        // Return the percentage
+        return calcPercentageFloat64(seconds, tdiff)
+func calcPercentageFloat64(full float64, part float64) float64 {
+        return part / (full / 100)
+func Date(year, month, day int) time.Time {
+        return time.Date(year, time.Month(month), day, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)
+func printGraphic(percentage float64) {
+        counter := 0
+        workPerc := percentage
+        fmt.Print(" |")
+        for workPerc > 2 {
+                fmt.Print("▓")
+                workPerc = workPerc - 2
+                counter++
+        }
+        if workPerc < 2 {
+                fmt.Print("▒")
+                counter++
+        }
+        for counter < 50 {
+                fmt.Print("░")
+                counter++
+        }
+        fmt.Print("| ", percentage, "%\n")
+func calcDelay() time.Duration {
+        // Current Time
+        ct := time.Now()
+        // Future Time
+        ft := ct.Add(1 * time.Second)
+        // Required time
+        rt := time.Date(ft.Year(), ft.Month(), ft.Day(), ft.Hour(), ft.Minute(), ft.Second(), int(0), time.UTC)
+        // Diff time
+        return rt.Sub(ct)

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