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mofem-joseph / Plotting information

###Plotting information###

Keywords: Plotting

How to

Plotting the results of your analysis is not difficult as long as you follow the steps below.

  • Perform your analysis, either smooth crack propagation or face splitting crack propagation.
  • Upon completion, log files should be placed in a directory named log_files.
  • Log files should follow the naming convention log_ORDER_REF-LEVEL, for example log_1_1 and log_4_2.
  • The shell script for plotting should be placed in the directory one level above log_files.
  • The user must take care to enter the correct run commands for order, refinement level, etc.
  • The shell script will plot two of a possible three graphs:
    • Load vs crack area will always be plotted
    • Load vs crack mouth opening will be plotted if the user enters two entities and all three dimensions, i.e. -ent 1,785 -dim 0,1,2
    • Load vs displacement will be plotted if the user enters one entity and one dimension, i.e. -ent 279 -dim 1
  • The variable -s is the product of the applied load (see CUBIT journal file for the problem at hand), the area over which the load is applied, and the inverse of the scaling factor applied to the Young's modulus and the Griffith energy. For example:
    • If the load applied to a surface is 6.2e-4N/mm^2, the area is 62400 and the scaling factor is 1e-4, then s will be 6.2e-4x62400x1e4
    • If the load applied to a vertex is 1N, the area is 1mm^2, and the scaling factor is 1e-4, then s will be 1e-4x1x1
  • The shell script will only plot for the analysis you have performed.
  • Minor editing of the gnuplot part of the script may be necessary depending on the units of the analysis and to alter the maximum and/or minimum axis values.
  • Typical commands to generate the plots will be similar to:
$ ./ -o 1,2,3,4 -r 1,2 -ent 1,785 -dim 0,1,2 -s 1e8*0.36*0.0005

The plot file can be downloaded from here:
