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mofem-joseph / moFEM_rdb-srv1

# Using moFEM on rdb-srv1 Server #

##SSH Connection

For a graphical client through SSH connection requires XQuartz on Mac or Xming for Windows

Execute in terminal

  • untrusted X11 forwarding
$ ssh -X

where username should be replaced by your username.

  • Then enter the password when it is prompted.

#####Definition of untrusted X11 forwarding

The remote machine is treated as an untrusted client. When your local client sends a command to the remote machine and receives the graphical output. If your command violates some security settings you'll receive an error instead.

Compressed SSH connection

$ ssh -X -C

##Setting up moFEM

create directory for moFEM

$ mkdir moFEM

cd in moFEM and execute the follow to obtain moFEM source

$ git clone

where username is your bitbucket username, and bicbucket password might be prompted.

create a build directory for moFEM

$ mkdir ~/build_moFEM
$ cd ~/buid_moFEM

cmake moFEM in build_moFEM

$ cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DPETSC_DIR=/opt/petsc-3.4.3 -DPETSC_ARCH=arch-linux2-c-opt -DMOAB_DIR=/opt/local-moab-4.6.0/ -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-I/opt/local_boost_1_54_0/include -L/opt/local_boost_1_54_0/include" -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$HOME/local ../moFEM/mofem-joseph/mofem_v0.1/

compile moFEM

$ make -j 4

where -j 4 is multi-processor compiling, using 4 processors

test compilation using ctest

$ ctest --http1.0 -D Experimental

and results are sent to our CDash Dashboard, where warnings and errors are shown.

for more compilation warnings, run the Continuous test

$ ctest --http1.0 -D Continuous

####Another way of installing moFEM

After running the cmake command in the build directory execute

$ make install
$ cd ~/local/bin
various scripts are readily available to run to run, such as

$ ./
$ ./
$ ./ 

##Working with moFEM

using git repository, allows you to work on several local branches and having several remote branches on bitbucket web page.

  • to see which is the current branch

$ cd ~/moFEM/mofem-joseph/mofem_v0.1
$ git branch

  • create new local branch, named newBranch1

    $ git branch newBranch1

  • checkout in this newBranch1

    $ git checkout newBranch1
    PS: you cannot checkout to another branch if you've got changes in the current one, which you have not committed of stashed!!

  • delete local master or other branches

    $ git branch -D master

  • to pull a remote branch (ex. CDashTesting) in your current local branch

    $ git pull CDashTesting

  • committing all changes of current local branch

    $ git commit -a -m "comment about the changes made"

  • push changes to remote branch newBranch1_remote

    $ git push newBranch1_remote

  • see status of changes

    $ git status

for more git commands visit Atlassian and

one also can use git-cola as a gui of git.

Useful Stuff for the Server

###Colouring ssh -X connection

to view files and directories in different colours

execute this once when connected to the server

$ echo "alias ls='ls --color=always'" >> ~/.bashrc
$ source ~/.bashrc

  • Created by Michael Cortis
  • any difficulties or suggestions email
