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mofem-joseph / rope_example

#Rope Example


A 3-strand rope and the end clamps have been analysed using moFEM. The rope fibres are modelled as a transversely isotropic material. The rate of convergence for p, h & hp-refinements have been studied.


A transversely isotropic material was used for the rope, where the stiffness in the fibre direction is different to that in the other directions. Carbon fibre material parameters were used for the rope, while an isotropic elastic steel material was used for the end clamps.


The model was fully fixed at one end and pulled axially at the other end. A linear static analysis using multi-processors was undertaken using moFEM. Computational efficient was achieved by using LU preconditioner and mumps factorisation to solve the system of equations in PETSC.


  • The above pictures show the fibre directions that change continuously from top to bottom.

fibre_dir fibre_stress

  • Left: shows displacements in z-direction
  • Right: shows stresses in z-component

Convergence Result

The following figure shows the convergence rate of p-refinement (using hierarchical higher order approximations) and h-refinement for various p-refinements.


  • Created by Michael Cortis
  • any difficulties or suggestions email
