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sdaas / sdaas_command_line

Smart Data as a Service (SDaaS) platform - 'Anassimandro' edition

usage: sdaas [options]

valid options:

-d, --debug
   saves extra debug information without deleting cached info on termination

   This option is equivalent to declare SD_DEBUG=1 environment variable

-f, --file <sdaa script>
   executes a build script

-k, --graph-engine kb|ekb|blazegraph|neptune
    defines the backed technology to be used. Supported technologies:
       kb (default) : use the kb archetype of the sddas reasoner as rdfstore.
           Requires a running local instance of blazegraph, forces "pull" policy in a one step (i.e. no chunks support).
           This is the only option in the sdaas community edition
       blazegraph: use a remote blazegraph instance (you need setup env variables SD_BG_ENDPOINT and  SD_BG_NAMESPACE)
       ekb: use a LinkedData.Center GDaaS instance (you need setup env variables SD_KBUSER and SD_KBPASSWORD)
       neptune: use a aws neptune instance (you need setup SD_NEPTUNE_INSTANCE, only works on same VPN as neptune host)

    N.B. each graph engine may require additional special setup procedures.
    This option is equivalent to use SD_QUADSTORE environment variable

-a, --accrual-policy pull|push
    defines the policy used to store RDF statements in the graph engine:
      .) with "pull" data is published to a shared resurce and
         then the graph engine is requested to load it.
         This is fast but it requires a bidirectional channel from sdaas and
         the graph engine. It is the default.
      .) with "push" data is pushed by sdaas to the graph db
    Data is splitted in small chunks. By defauult the chunks size is 100000 triples
    for the pull policy and 50000 triples for the push policy.

    This option is equivalent to use SD_ACCRUAL_POLICY environment variable
    You can personalize the chunks size using SD_LOAD_CHUNK_SIZE environment variable.

-q, --quiet
   Do not show progress meter or error messages.

   WARNING!!! erase all knowledge base before executing the rebuild process

--verbose <verbose_level>
   -v is equivalent to --verbose 1, --verbose 0 is an alias of -q
