
Clone wiki / Home

instead of

welcome to our wiki! this is the default page the guys from bitbucket installed for our convenience. we are already trying to edit it and adjust it to our needs.

the app

this web app is a result of effort of two developers who wanted to experiment and learn new technologies along the way. initial requirements for the app was to provide a simple and usable interface for evaluation of presentation at our local macedonian codecamp event and it evolved into slightly wider platform over the course of few weeks when it was actively used.

the code

started as a playground and single page app for demonstrating knockoutjs features and possibilities, the code turned out to be quite a journey into the various aspects of modern web development, from a perspective of a .net developer.

Let me mention some of the tools and libraries that we used:

knockoutjs for rich UI mvc 3 with razor view engine
jQuery and jQuerymobile mvc mobileviewengine for targeting various clients
mogodb for data persistence (also a nice dive in into NoSql world)
castle.windsor for Ioc

and for the infrastructure we aslo have played joyfully with the following services: as a source hosting (also for issue tracking using jira) for continuous integration and automated deployment
mongohq for mongodb hosting

the license

this is our first project that we are releasing to the public (can i use the word: opensource?) and we are still not familiar with all that licensing and legal stuff. let's just say that we are going to license the code for start under MIT open source license

the fun

this code is provided for learning and experimenting as is, and if you're interested in contributing, we're willing to hear your ideas. for now, just clone the thing and start exploring.

and of course, have fun!
