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mtsa / devs / outputmessages

Output user messages

In this section you will find how to properly output information, warning or error messages for the end user.

Diagnostics Class

You can use a special class designed to output warning or fatal error messages to the user. The code is in the following package and class:

package ltsa.lts;

public class Diagnostics {...}

In order to use Diagnostics, you must first initialize the default output option.

In case you are using the UI, you need to initialize it with the LTSOuput used by the main window.


From MTSA> Options> Treat Warnings as errors you can force warnings to raise an exception.

Warning and Fatal

Fatal errors can be used just with a string message or marking the symbol or position of the error.

Warning messages can be used just with the string message.


In some places it is also use the java logger. It is not recommended for end user, only for techinical log output.

import org.apache.log4j.Logger;

private Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(this.getClass().getName());
logger.error("Scheduler factory not found");


This practice is discourage. Use only for testing and debugging purposes.

