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LorinthsRpgMobs / Level Regions

Level Regions

Level regions utilize World Guard or Red Protect to provide region specific overrides for level or boss mobs. This gives you more power to control difficulty in specific areas, or spawn mythic mobs with a chance to override mob types.

Create a Level Region

To create a level region first you must define that region with World Guard or Red Protect. Once the region has been defined you can use the command /lrm region set [regionid] [level] where [regionid] is the id of the region from those plugins, and [level] is the desired level of mobs in the region.

Example Config


  world:                           # Name of the world the level regions are in
    undeadkeep:                    # name of the level region
      Level: 40-45                 # level of all mobs in the region (can be a range or single value)
      Names:                       # custom names for entities spawned in region
        ZOMBIE: '&5Undead Warrior' # All zombies will have their name purple and be called 'Undead Warrior', accepts {level} tag
      Bosses:                      # Boss spawn replacement chances per entity type
         CrystalMiner: 10.0
      Disabled: false # Should this functionality be enabled?
      DisabledEntities: # What mobs should 
      # Use "- '*' " to disable all entities
      - PIG
