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LorinthsRpgMobs / Plugin Integration

Plugin Integration

A key factor of why you should use RpgMobs is the amount of integration with other plugins that is built into it. From being able to use player levels from Heroes/SkillAPI to configuring loot tables from Mythic Drops based on mob level, you can do pretty much anything you want in terms of configuring other plugins to work with RpgMobs the way you want it to.

Region Plugins

The Leveled Regions system allows you to configure specific details in specific regions of your worlds. To leverage regions RpgMobs hooks into either World Guard, or Red Protect. Additional compatability is built in with GriefPrevention but no additional work was done to allow for Level Region functionality with Grief Prevention Claims.

List of Region Plugins Integrated

Other Rpg Plugins

Rpg Plugins can be utilized for the Modifier Formulas as well as providing experience to players in those plugins. For example, if a server utilizes Heroes then the player can earn more exp based on their level relative to the enemy and experience can be configured based on party count.

List of Rpg Plugins Integrated
