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SuperSimpleSemantics / A example of a "*.ntlist" file used by this engine


A .ntlist file is what the engine uses to specify common property set files (.txt) files. It can also be used to specify individual nodes.

Its essentially a index, where the nt tripples refer to a URL followed by a predicate and then a value. Everything at that URL should have that predicate and value.

In the example file below, isFruit.txt would be a file containing nothing but a list of fruit subclass's. (see seperate wiki page)

File example:


@prefix rdf: <> 

@prefix rdfs: <> 

isFruit.txt rdfs:subClassOf Fruit.

isApple.txt rdfs:subClassOf Apple.

isBlue.txt rdfs:subClassOf Blue.

isColor_Green.txt Green.

isMore_Green.txt Green.

isColor_Red.txt Red;

                      "color" "red";

                      "colour" "red".

File notes;

If no full URI is specified, it assumes the current domain.


"Green" is not the dbpedia definition but a local one to the server. Colour , however, is from dbpedia.

Specifying things in quotes, meanwhile, adds a label.


Really, despite our examples, to help link database's together, as much as possible should be using definitions from dbpedia or other established sources.

So the system can know that your "Orange" is the same as another persons "Orange"....and not get confused as to if its the colour, the fruit, or the phone company.
