GRS code constructor can infer arguments

Issue #19 resolved
Johan Rosenkilde created an issue

The arguments F and n can be inferred from the list of eval pts.

Comments (7)

  1. David Lucas repo owner

    Partially resolved in commit b0f16cc : I removed length parameter, which is inferred from the length of the evaluation points list and changed the order of the parameters.

    There is a discussion when it comes to F : should we remove this parameter, in this case we force the user to write something like evaluation_points = F.list(), with F the field he wants (else we throw an error) or should we keep it?

  2. Daniel Augot

    The order of arguments should be eval_pts, col mults, dimension since you place the most constant stuff before. And remember that you have a "filtration", as Alain would say, when eval_pts, col mults are fixed and dimension is growing. This reinforces my idea.

    The problem that I see is that [col mults] is an optional arguments.

  3. Johan Rosenkilde reporter

    I don't know what you mean with "most constant stuff before". But as you say, if we want to keep col mults an optional argument, it has to be after dimension.

  4. Johan Rosenkilde reporter

    The question David poses about F is one of coercion. Right now, I can write

    C = GeneralizedReedSolomonCode(GF(7), [1,2,3,4], 3)

    to make a GRS code over GF(7), and because the field is explicitly given, the constructor will coerce the given list of integers to the field.

    If we remove F as an argument to the constructor, the user must supply evaluation points which are already in the field. To do the above, one would write e.g.

    F = GF(7)
    C = GeneralizedReedSolomonCode([ F(i) for i in [1,2,3,4]], 3)


    C = GeneralizedReedSolomonCode(F.list()[1:5], 3)
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