GRS doesn't properly check for field of column multipliers

Issue #23 resolved
Johan Rosenkilde created an issue
F = GF(59)
n, k = 40, 12
F3 = GF(3)
    C = GeneralizedReedSolomonCode(F, n, k, F.list()[:n], [F3(2)]+[]*(n-1))
    assert False , "Shouldn't be accepted"
except ValueError, e:
    print "This should be an error for non-zero column multipliers:\n\t", e

The problem is in on the line

        if (c in F for c in column_multipliers) == False:
            raise ValueError("All column_multipliers must be elements of the field")

This code is semantically wrong. You should use the function all() to check whether a list/generating expr of bools are all true.

Comments (4)

  1. Johan Rosenkilde reporter
    • changed status to open

    Check your fix before you close the issue! Now your code rejects column multipliers exactly when they are all from the field.

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