Names preferred_en/decoder and known_en/decoders

Issue #32 resolved
Johan Rosenkilde created an issue

I suggest renaming preferred_encoder to encoder_default (and similarly for decoder)

I suggest renaming known_encoders to encoders_registered (etc.).


Comments (3)

  1. Daniel Augot

    encoder_default is nice.

    encoders_registered is very technical, and sage internals specific. An average math or coding student who does not know anything about these registering tricks will not get any clue from the name.

    But known_encoders is also not very nice. Known to who ?

    What about "available_encoders" (OK, "available" is a bit long to type) ?

  2. Johan Rosenkilde reporter

    I agree, registered sucks. Following Daniel's suggestion I vote for encoders_available. (I like having the most important word first: it makes it easier to browse documentation/list of methods as well as tab-complete in actual code).

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