Naming scheme: Encoders and Decoders etc.

Issue #37 resolved
Johan Rosenkilde created an issue

Should we use <Code>Decoder<Name> or Decoder<Code><Name>? I.e. GRSDecoderGao or DecoderGRSGao?

I vote for the latter.

Comments (3)

  1. Daniel Augot

    Back to science : some decoder are more or less generic, and could apply to many codes (think ISD), and some are designed from the code.

    Since you may have a) code first, then decoder, or b) decoder, then code, would not it make sense to use both naming schemes.

  2. Johan Rosenkilde reporter

    For ISD or Syndrome, I would call it DecoderLinearCodeISD and DecoderLinearCodeSyndrome.

    For decoders which operate on code combinators, such as concatenation, I would use that combinator's name. E.g. DecoderConcatenatedCodeGMD for the GMD-decoder which does inner-decoding if possible, otherwise erasure. Such a decoder is itself a higher-order decoder, since it takes a hard-decision decoder for the inner code and an outer error-erasure decoder.

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