Website creation

Issue #7 resolved
David Lucas repo owner created an issue

We could create a website to advertise the project. The main purpose of the website will be to present a nice formatting of the state of the project for newcomers. Two things that could be on it :

  • A big diagram, presenting each field and functionality planned and/or implemented in the library. We could have some colour code, e.g. red for "planned but not yet implemented", yellow for "available on Bitbucket and Sage integration is en route", green for "available in Sage"
  • Some links to the tutorial and the documentation
  • Maybe an email address or a contact form to get in touch with us about future developments and ETA for some components.

Comments (4)

  1. David Lucas reporter

    It could be, if Bitbucket allows enough flexibility in the code to implement such a diagram (I don't know what kind of code you can use in it, if it's only the markdown stuff, it may be a bit limited)

  2. Johan Rosenkilde

    Just create the diagram as an SVG using Inkscape. One can insert arbitrary javascript into an SVG, for instance clickable links.

    This has one drawback, however: SVGs are limited by their adoption in browers. Specifically, old or useless browsers don't render them. I believe that the newest version of Internet Explorer finally does, but those a few years ago won't. One can possibly discover this with a small script which shows a statically rendered png without clickable links. Or we can just choose not to care about people running old and stupid systems...

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