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sage_coding_project / Use_cases_on_benchmarking

This page summarises some use cases related to benchmarking and performance diagrams on codes and decoding. It aims at listing a few very detailed examples.

For now, it only contains a short description of some cases:

  • Compare speed of decoding algortihms.
    • Consider a GRS code over GF(101), whose length is in the interval [10, 100] (increasing by 10 at each step), dimension is length/2, evaluation points are chosen from 1 to n, no column-multipliers, I want to compare the speed of Gao decoder, Berlekamp-Welch decoder and Key-equation syndrome decoder.
    • Examples:
      F = GF(101)
      report_BW = Benchmark(lambda t: (C = GRS(F.list()[:t], t/2), C.encoder(), C.decoder("BerlekampWelch"), StaticErrorRateChannel(C.ambient_space(), (C.minimum_distance() - 1)//2), range(10, 110, 10)))
      plot_BW = report_BW.plot_speed()
      report_Gao = Benchmark(lambda t: (C = GRS(F.list()[:t], t/2), C.encoder(), C.decoder("Gao"), StaticErrorRateChannel(C.ambient_space(), (C.minimum_distance() - 1)//2), range(10, 110, 10)))
      plot_Gao = report_Gao.plot_speed()
      report_Key = Benchmark(lambda t: (C = GRS(F.list()[:t], t/2), C.encoder(), C.decoder("KeyEquationSyndrome"), StaticErrorRateChannel(C.ambient_space(), (C.minimum_distance() - 1)//2), range(10, 110, 10)))
      plot_Key = report_Key.plot_speed()
      plot_final = plot_BW + plot_Gao + plot_Key
  • Evaluate RoF on probabilistic decoders
    • Consider a GRS code over GF(59), length 40, dimension 12, evaluation points are chosen from 1 to 40, no column multipliers. I want to check the RoF of Information Set decoding as we increase the number of errors (even beyond minimum distance).
    • Examples:
      C = codes.GeneralizedReedSolomonCode(GF(59).list()[1:41], 12
      d = (C.minimum_distance()-1) //2
      report = Bemchmark(lambda t: (C.encoder(), C.decoder("InformationSet", 2, t), StaticErrorRateChannel(C.ambient_space(), t), range(d, d+14))
  • Considering given code and a given decoding algorithm with several input parameters (e.g. Guruswami-Sudan, power decoding), describe the behaviour of the decoder while changing its input (e.g. increase list-size parameter of Guruswami-Sudan beyond advised value for a given code).
  • Compare decoding performances of Concatenated/Interleaved codes vs "Native" codes with the same [n, k].
    • Consider a [42, 6] GRS code and a [42, 6] Concatenated code (inner code -> dual code of [7,3] Hamming code, outer code -> [6, 2] GRS code). Perform decoding using a burst-error channel and locating the burst in blocks. Compare the number of errors one is able on both codes.
  • Later on: waterfall diagrams: SNR vs probability of failure.

Useful parameters

One might like to access to:

  • the number of tests performed at each step (if it plots the average speed, on how many runs this average was computed?)
  • the average rate of failure
  • the average speed

Daniel's example

  • consider using several RS code of contant rate and growing length decoded with Guruswami-Sudan, and various list sizes l given to the decoder
  • one possible plot would be the standard waterfalls for each code and list size: word error rate y-axis, signal-to-noise-ratio on the x-axis
  • one other relevant plot would to plot for each code the size of the returned list on the y-axis, for each code, with signal-to-noise-ratio on the x-axis

Another example, inspired by Johan's observation on AG codes

Since it may happen that more errors than what is predicted can often be corrected, so one may want to

  • consider a given curve, a given length, and check the impact of the dimension on the phenomenon
  • again standard waterfalls are required
  • yet, also the percentage of failures is relevant to be plotted.


Implemented features

  • Being able to interrupt the tests and restart later.
  • Everything must be saved: number of tests per step, words generated, code, timings, error-rate...
  • Being able to vary the number of tests to perform from step to step.
  • Semigroup behaviour: benchmarks can be added to combine their results (as plots).
  • Benchmark should contain both the tests to run and the data got from the simulations.
  • Data can be exported.
  • Query the object on some aggregated statistics on the data.
  • Some basics on plotting.


  • Having a real-time (-ish) saving mechanism.
  • Support a behaviour like "Perform tests until my decoding failed x times".
  • Multi-threading.
  • Custom data-saving.


  • Encoder, Decoder and Channel. Use lambda function to iterate on the object one wants to change throughout the simulation.
