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Lucee / - Release Notes

Version Number

Release Date


Tickets Closed

[#150] Error executing function tests as embedded Application.cfc was missing TestBox archive

[#78] Services - Update: Error "server failed to return a valid response. The key [APIKEY] does not exist."

[#103] queryGetRow() function and Query.getRow() method

[#145] Lucee logo and maximize/minimize button disappear with maximised

[#147] structKeyExists return true for "server.railo"

[#118] toBinary should not throw an error when 1st arg is an empty string

[#136] Get off of Java 7

[#143] testcases testbox archive not works

[#139] Admin page broken - Remote: Security Key

[#126] actions without text are not processed by cfhtmlhead and cfhtmlbody

[#125] cfhtmlhead and cfhtmlbody ignore the id attribute

[#3] dateDiff() method implemented incorrectly

[#79] Axis info messages shouldn't be logged

[#4] cfhtmlhead does not work

[#8] getID() built-in function conflicting with component functions
