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SeePy / installing

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#SeePy requirements

To run SeePy the following Python environment must be installed

###Python 2.7

###Non-standard Python packages

Required dependencies

seepy (

pyqt4 4.11.4 (

mistune (

Optional dependencies (to make all SeePy features available)

unum ( - not necessary but useful for SI units

matplotlib 1.4.2 ( not necessary, needed for working with matplotlib and LaTex

svgwrite ( - not necessary, needed for working with SVG graphic

pillow ( - not necessary but useful for image processing

dxf2svg ( - not necessary, needed for dxf file displaying


There are different ways to create required Python environment.

###Installing process with Conda management system

1.Download and install Miniconda ( - choose Python 2.7

2.Run system command line (Windows command prompt or Linux terminal)

3.First make sure we have the current conda package by typing

conda upgrade conda

4.Install packages from Conda repository by typing

conda install pip numpy pillow pyqt=4.11 matplotlib=1.4
(above pyqt and matplotlib version need to be specified since conda default is pyqt5)

5.Install packages from PIPy repository by typing

pip install seepy mistune unum svgwrite dxf2svg
6.Clean after installation by typing
conda clean -t -p
Required Python environment has been created

7.To run SeePy, execute the file from ..\Miniconda\Lib\site-packages\seepy. Before you try double-clicking the file, you must change the "Open with" in the file properties - set the python.exe from ..\Miniconda directory as default. For easy run make shortcut on your system pulpit to file.

##SeePy upgrade If new version of SeePy package available upgrade it by typing

pip install --upgrade seepy
You can see actually Conda environment package list by typing
conda list

##OS compatibility Windows and Linux tested. On Linux could be problem with running from shortcut, so run it directly from installed package directory.

##Other information

Please note that you don't have to use pip to install SeePy package. If needed python environment exist you can also download SeePy package (from pip or bitbucket) to any directory on your computer and then run from there.

When SeePy saves changes to your script file? This happens only (1)when you use <save> option; (2)when you open the script with <edit> option (pencil icon) and then use <save> option from IDLE editor menu.

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