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dev/myportal / version 1 / 01.General Presentation

General Presentation

MyPortal is a Joomla! component offering an integrated solution for projects management. This also includes a simple ticket system and a file repository.

There are two types of users: staff members and clients. Based on this fact, you have also two separate areas in the front-end, one dedicated to staff members and the other one dedicated to clients.

Important! A staff member cannot be also a client. The same for clients, a client cannot be a staff member. The relation between Joomla user and staff or client is 1:1, this means that a Joomla user can be either defined as staff either as client.

Staff members

A staff member is defined in the back-end area. He is a Joomla user, so to import him you must select him from your list of Joomla users. After import, you can choose exactly what he is allowed to do.

A staff member can:

  • Access projects.
  • Access clients file repository.
  • Access the ticket system.

For each one of these you have a set of options in the back-end, on the staff edit page. Except these, you can also edit this staff preferences regarding order of projects and tasks.


Opposite to staff members, where you must define each one in the back-end, a client is any Joomla user who's not part of staff. This means that you don't have to do nothing for a Joomla user to become a client, as long as he is not defined as part of staff, he's automatically client.

You can however restrict the clients to a specific Joomla Group. This can be done in the Joomla administration area > MyPortal > Options > Clients > Restrict clients to group.

A client can:

  • open a new project and reply to the project;

  • open a new ticket and reply to the ticket;

  • access the file repository that your staff members set for the client.


To make yourself a better idea about the component, please check the demo page:

There you have set two type of areas, one for staff and one for clients.

If you still have any questions, please contact me via contact form at
