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Easyappointment / Front-end management overview

Overview of the front-end management area

Since each staff member can perform different services and also have different prices for each service, it is mandatory for each one to manage his activity.

The management area is the place where it can be done. This area is available only for your staff members and can be accessed by creating a new entry in your menu.

The structure of this area is composed of 4 main pages.


Dashboard. It contains all confirmed appointments for today. Also, the services this staff member has selected to perform. When a staff member login for the first time he will not have any selected service to provide.

Reservations. It contains all his appointments, from the beginning of his activity. He can sort by date, the status provided service. He can also add a new reservation or export the reservation list as a CSV/ICS file.

Settings. A staff member can select the services to provide. He can customize hour format, display of services, booking form fields, notifications to be sent or to receive, etc.

Schedule. A staff member can choose to create his own daily schedule. He can also define days with a different schedule than usual.
