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Easyappointment / Setting the schedule

Setting the schedule

As a default, the schedule for a staff member is from Monday to Sunday from 8.00 to 23.00. This is based on these two values defined in Settings: Default daily starting hour and Default daily ending hour.


A staff member can change these values, and this will affect his daily schedule. For example, if he will change Default daily ending hour to be 14.00, his daily schedule will be from 8.00 to 14.00

But EasyAppointment allows your staff members to have a flexible schedule by defining their own schedule for each day.

For example, if on Monday you want the schedule to be from 13.30 to 18.00, you must go to Schedule and in the Monday area click on Add working intervals.


In the new window select for Start hour 13.30 and for End hour 18.00.


Click Save and this interval will be displayed under Monday.


This means that on Monday the schedule is from 13.30 to 18.00. You can go even further and choose another interval, from 20.00 to 22.00 and this means that you now have two-time slots for Monday, from 13.30 to 18.00 and from 20.00 to 22.00

The same can be done for each day of the week.

A staff member can also mark a day as a nonworking day. For example if on Sunday he doesn't work, he must go to Sunday and click on Set as a free day. This means that from now on, any Sunday will be free.


But what in case he wants a certain date which is on a Sunday to work. It's also possible. He must define a special date.

A special date is a day that will pass over the rules that define that day. Let's say that 23 of March is on a Sunday and the staff member marked Sunday as free. But he wants all Sundays to be free except for 23 of March. On the Schedule page, at the bottom he must click on Add special date.


On the new page he must choose for Date value 23 of March and year, and for State value Working day. He can even define from which to which hour is available on that day by clicking on Add working intervals.
