
Clone wiki

api25 / institutions_code_libraries_id



institutions/{code}/libraries/{id} returns the details for a single library. The parent institution specified by the code must also be given (library ids are not unique).

Example: institutions/kcl/libraries/3.xml

Institutional and Library details for the Denmark Hill Campus library of Kings College, London. kcl is the M25 code, 3 the library identifier (the library id is entirely internal and has no external meaning - library ids can be found either by asking for a list of all libraries within an institution, or for a list of all libraries in the system).


POSTing data to institutions/{code}/libraries/ will create a new library within the specified institution. The library id is assigned automatically, and is returned in the Location field of the HTTP header


PUTting data to institutions/{code}/libraries/{id} will update that particular library.


DELETE will delete the library institutions/{code}/libraries/{id}
