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api25 / institutions_code_z3950server



Lists Z39.50 servers for a member institution (usually there will only be one server returned). The insitutional code is always the m25_code. The optional 'active' parameter refers to whether Search25 can currently access the server.

This command is of little use to any users apart from Search25, as it returns no details for the servers themselves.

  • Example:* /institutions/brm/z3950 returns the Z39.50 server used for the British Museum, which happens to be Copac.


With the extra parameter z39_name, creates a new Z39.50 server if none exists with that name, or edits an existing one.

Example: institutions/{agla}/z3950server?z39_name=aleph/agla

The format is different form that used to PUT data to libraries etc since the Z39.50 server name (which matches the name used by pazpar2) may contain a slash, as in this example.


With the extra parameter z39_name, deletes the named Z39.50 server
