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ma3route-api-documentation / External Stream


GET /externalstream

To access externalstream send a GET request to


Note: If no other parameter other than the default parameters is supplied, the server returns a list of 100 items.

  • id a long value. The server returns a json object of the news item whose id equals the value supplied.

Server Response

The response is a JSON object with "meta" and "data" properties.

data is a json object/array representing an external stream item or a list of external stream items respectively.

Sample Response


         "date":"Jul 20, 2015 2:44:54 AM",
         "description":"On top of one flyover along Msa Rd. The Rd looks rather clean @Ma3Route @KenyanTraffic @BarackObama @UKenyatta",
         "descriptionjs":"On top of one flyover along Msa Rd. The Rd looks rather clean @Ma3Route @KenyanTraffic @BarackObama @UKenyatta http:\\/\\/\\/mQpdUQooHZ",

Create update from stream

  • severity String value and is mandatory. This is the severity. Fetch supported severities at
  • latitude and longitude are also not mandatory, but important for mapping updates. Get from the streamed object.
  • town_id represents the id of the town. To get all towns and their respective ids, send a GET request to . The data part of the response json object is a JSON array with each JSON object representing a town. The country property denotes the country that the town belongs to.
  • email email of the user posting the update. In this case, this is the email of the moderator.
  • reportedby identifier text of the user posting the update. This MUST be provided. Pick from "reportedby" of the streamed object.
  • mediaurl a fully qualified url of the photo attached to an update. Pick from "mediaurl" of the streamed object.
  • csmediaurls a comma separated string of fully qualified urls of the photos attached to an update. Pick from "csmediaurls" of the streamed object.
  • sharelocation boolean true/false. Indicates whether a user wants location to be shared. Always true.
  • linkedtweetid numeric. This is the id of a of the original tweet/post linked to an update. pick from the "linkedtweetid" of the streamed object.

Create report from stream

  • regno String value and is mandatory. This is the registration number of the reported vehicle. It's entered.
  • drivetype String value and is mandatory. Fetch supported drivetypes at
  • latitude and longitude are also not mandatory, but important for mapping updates. Get from the "latitude" and "longitude" from streamed object.
  • town_id represents the id of the town. To get all towns and their respective ids, send a GET request to . The data part of the response json object is a JSON array with each JSON object representing a town. The country property denotes the country that the town belongs to.
  • email email of the user posting the update. In this case, this is the email of the moderator.
  • reportedby identifier text of the user posting the update. This MUST be provided. Pick from "reportedby" of the streamed object.
  • mediaurl a fully qualified url of the photo attached to an update. Pick from "mediaurl" of the streamed object.
  • csmediaurls a comma separated string of fully qualified urls of the photos attached to an update. Pick from "csmediaurls" of the streamed object.
  • sharelocation boolean true/false. Indicates whether a user wants location to be shared. Always true.
  • linkedtweetid numeric. This is the original tweet/post id linked to a report. Pick from "linkedtweetid" of the streamed item.
