Existing date statements don't display the date properly

Issue #195 new
96187 created an issue

I thought I'd seen someone else report this, but I can't find it...

In games such as the date and gender ones (perhaps all of them, I haven't checked), some existing statements are shown, including things like date of birth, but the value is displayed wrong. Rather than a date, it'll display something like -01T00:00: instead.

I managed to track it down to https://bitbucket.org/magnusmanske/wikidata-game/src/4809133d0b3c80e03c7c7b37946340c48a3157b1/public_html/main.js?at=master&fileviewer=file-view-default#main.js-316

For https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q2588487, for example, t at that point is +1948-01-01T00:00:00Z so substr(8,10) returns -01T00:00: instead of a date like 1948-01-01.

(The real value here is in fact only 1948, not 1948-01-01 but that's covered by #142)

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